Land Art & Body Art

Y ou know the Mursis ? Not yet ? Come and discover the artistic practices of the people of the Omo valley, cradle of Humanity. With a laugh, rediscover your inner child and the oldest gestures of the Man : decorate with leaves, feathers, grass, paint the body and all that surrounds you, trees, rocks, family, small as the great. At the end of this workshop, the grand fashion show post-historical. When Nature and Culture are one. - Translated automatically.

Land Art & Body Art

La Côte

La Ferme Des Simples
87600 Vayres
la côte

No booking required

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Contact information

+33 555 328 093

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The campsite



Camping Naturism Wildswim Calm Family Forest Countryside Fishing Tents Camping car Caravan

Pictures of the campsite

Our address

Camping Lous Suais
1 chemin des Suais
87460 Cheissoux
GPS : Lat. 45.81884
   Long. 1.653743
+33 (0) 555 695 694

© 2016-2025 by Mexty Productions - Made With In Cheissoux