Theatrical representation

P resentation by the company Theatre and Company of a play in 5 acts "30 kms to the foot" of Jean-Claude Martineau.
James and Andrew, two young retirees are no longer able to cohabit with their wives all day in the house and having to obey their orders. Having the impression of lack of freedom and to give them a lesson, they decide to run away for a few days. But if Jacques is accustomed to long hikes, André was the perfect pantouflard and after 30 kms on foot, in the evening of the first day, at nightfall, the feet in compote ; he forces his boyfriend to ask the tent where it is located. It will not go any further than this small square of the village of Piron on Ajasse. - Translated automatically.

Theatrical representation

Avenue De Lorraine

Salle Des Fêtes
87290 Chateauponsac
avenue de lorraine

No booking required

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Camping Naturism Wildswim Calm Family Forest Countryside Fishing Tents Camping car Caravan

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Camping Lous Suais
1 chemin des Suais
87460 Cheissoux
GPS : Lat. 45.81884
   Long. 1.653743
+33 (0) 555 695 694

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